Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Where ya going?

The question is where am I going. As of right now, I want to go to sleep because it's 11:46 pm and I have an interview tomorrow at 11am but, other than that, I want to go to many places. Most of these places, I can't go as of right now because I haven't graduated from CSUSB. I want to go to a job where I can enjoy learning and at the same time be involve with a perfect team. One of the places I would like to go and work for is at They have some of the best software engineers. Over the past months, a couple of sites like amazon, twitter, and others have gone down but digg has been up. They reason is becaue they know what they are doing. Digg is in San Francisco and I would like to go but it might be a little too far. So, I have to settle for So. Cal. I want to go to a place where I can still see my family on the weekends or every other week. By now, you should know where I want to go; to a web2.0 company. I also want to go to a place where I can feel closer to my family because I can never forget about my family. I'm hoping once I graduate my family and I will be able to go place and get closer as a family. Their you have it. The only question is "Where are YOU going?"


  1. Family dynamics play such a crucial role in our lives. If we love them, we try to stay close and do what's best for the entire group instead of just ourselves. If we're impartial, we do what we want whether that be close to home or not. If we can't stand them, we get as far away as we can and never look back.

    Most of my friends in high school are from the second or third category, here it's different. I'm continuously meeting people who love their family and could not stand to leave them. Being from the second myself I can't even comprehend the mind set and am baffled by the lengths family members will go to remain near each other. Don't get me wrong I would take a bullet any day for my family, I just think distance between us makes it a lot easier to get along.

  2. It very tough making decisions on how far one is willing to move away from family. Believe it or not thats how i wound up going to CSUSB, i was to afraid to leave my family behind. No Regrets, live in the Now!

  3. yeah idk where i want to actually to answer ur question. If u really wanted to you could probably go to I mean i know ur saying that u dont want to leave ur friends and family. or even grow closer to ur family and stuff. Like i guess there is that saying that "you have to give up something to gain something. If its something that you reallly want to do u should totally go for it. I mean if ur friends always be there for ya. but i dont wanta to embarge on ur personal though but go for what makes you happy. I guess its might sound a little self centered.
