Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Where ya going?

The question is where am I going. As of right now, I want to go to sleep because it's 11:46 pm and I have an interview tomorrow at 11am but, other than that, I want to go to many places. Most of these places, I can't go as of right now because I haven't graduated from CSUSB. I want to go to a job where I can enjoy learning and at the same time be involve with a perfect team. One of the places I would like to go and work for is at They have some of the best software engineers. Over the past months, a couple of sites like amazon, twitter, and others have gone down but digg has been up. They reason is becaue they know what they are doing. Digg is in San Francisco and I would like to go but it might be a little too far. So, I have to settle for So. Cal. I want to go to a place where I can still see my family on the weekends or every other week. By now, you should know where I want to go; to a web2.0 company. I also want to go to a place where I can feel closer to my family because I can never forget about my family. I'm hoping once I graduate my family and I will be able to go place and get closer as a family. Their you have it. The only question is "Where are YOU going?"

First Blog for Eng101

This is my first blog for English 101. Well, I just wanted to say hi and this blog will see me often. I've used a long time ago to right about a trip I took to San Francisco but I never came back to it. I was shock to see that is owned by Google is getting huge they bough youtube a few months or a year ago. They are starting to scare my because it seems like they are becoming a huge monopoly like Microsoft was/is. Hopefully someday I get to work for google because that would be a good place for me to learn from some of the best software engineers in world. Well, I started talking about something else but I will come back soon and you will know more about my. bye